CILECT International Collaboration

The International Association of Film and Television Schools (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et deTélévision – CILECT) was founded in Cannes, France, in 1954 at the proposal of Marcel L’Herbier (IDHEC President) and Rémy Tessonneau (IDHEC General Director) who gathered together for the first time higher education film school representatives from France, Italy, Poland, Spain, UK, USA and USSR.

By 2016 CILECT includes over 160 audio-visual educational institutions from 60 countries on 6 continents with more than 10,000 teachers and staff that annually train more than 60,000 students and communicate with an alumni network of more than 1,600,000.

CILECT is most strongly committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of audio-visual educational in its member schools by establishing and organizing global and regional forums for the exchange of managerial, pedagogical, methodological and research best practices.

CILECT also strives to contribute to the world cultural and communication processes by stimulating a multitude of networking and sharing collaborations among its members (workshops, conferences, symposia, festivals, co-productions, joint degrees, etc.).

Finally, CILECT is dedicated to a philosophy which recognises the inherent inter-connectivity of mankind and believes in the need of constant practical support to creativity, diversity, cross-cultural thinking and sustainable development as fundamental prerequisites to our human existence.