Since 1997, the Norwegian Film School has educated creative and innovative filmmakers for the film and TV drama industry in Norway and Scandinavia. NFS has had a marked impact on Norwegian film and television and has garnered a considerable reputation internationally. CEFIMA builds on the schools pedagogical competence and experiences from the film industry and with fine arts education in order to explore how the technological developments within digital, interactive media may be used in storytelling. Working closely with former and current students, employees, related industries and relevant international educational programmes, the Centre will test and experiment with new digital media for innovative storytelling.
The Film Schools application of experiential pedagogy allows the students to work on practical, real-world projects within set boundaries. They're never evaluated on results, but instead the focus is on the students intentions; their own statements on what they want to achieve. Process and intended outcome are evaluated against final result, and the ability to reflect upon and learn from one's own experiences is key. The pedagogy includes several didactic methods that will grant the students this opportunity. Systematic evaluations and collaboration between students and teachers contribute to a structured form of experimentation. CEFIMA will systematize, develop, and disseminate these pedagogic key principles.
Proposed Milestones
Key focus areas are:
- The creation of a cooperative network with, among others, Norwegian Film Institute, Hamar Game Collective, VR Oslo, The National Film School of Denmark, Canadian Film Centre, OCAD-U, and SIRT at Sheridan College. Will be updated continuously.
- Support for in-house student projects at the Film School's Bachelor of Fine Arts education in Lillehammer.
- The further development of the international online forum for contact, networking, and the exchange of experience and expertise on Facebook.
- Building on the CEFIMA wiki in order to establish it as a key resource for creators and storytellers worldwide.
- Supporting the artistic projects by artistic researchers, and the senior research project "Queens Game".
- Building on the relationship with NFI:LAB for conducting shorter and longer courses for artists and industry.