In 2016, The Norwegian Film School was awarded a Centre for Excellence in Education by NOKUT: the Centre for Excellence in Film and Interactive Media Arts (CEFIMA)


Off-Piste Lab VR-Hackaton 2021

On Friday October 29th, five days of VR-Hackaton and intense creative innovation in the meeting between filmmakers and game developers kicked off in Lillehammer. This second edition of the Off-Piste Lab is a collaboration between the Norwegian Film School's Centre for Excellence CEFIMA and NFI.

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Cecilie Levy

Stipendiat Cecile Levys VR-prosjekt til IDFA DocLab Forum

Manusforfatter Cecilie Levy utforsker VR-mediet gjennom sitt stipendiatprosjekt «Storytelling In VR: Teaching myself how to write for virtual reality». Hennes VR-prosjekt "Finding Frida", under utvikling av produsent Bjørn-Morten Nerland i Stargate Media, er tatt ut til IDFAs DocLab Forum i november.

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Artistic Research Café - Oct 25 2021: VIPROS

Challenges and opportunities of Virtual Production: Troels Linde shares key lessons learned in the VIPROS project On site + Online event: Monday, Oct 25 --- 2:00 PM

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Nytt tilbud til hele film- og TV-bransjen

Filmskolen og TV-skolen slår kreftene sammen i utviklingen av etter- og videreutdanning for bransjen.

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Selected for Cannes’ festival XR development showcase

“The space between us" is selected for Cannes’ festival XR development showcase

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Lw Nadja

Filmskolens utradisjonelle tilnærming til Virtual Reality imponerer i Moskva

Stipendiat Nadja Lipsyc presenterte VR-prosjektet "Lone Woves Stick Together" under årskongressen til filmorganisasjonen CILECT.

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Norwegian VR-course

Hold the dates October 15th to 22nd, and set aside time to write a short application in August.

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Artistic Research Dissertation.

Earlier this spring, Rafal Hanzl defended his artistic research dissertation. We had a chat with him about the project. Because what does a creative technologist really do?

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Offentlig visning av dokumentarfilmen «In Touch» og VR-installasjonen «The Road to Excellence»

Rafal Hanzl presenterer sine arbeider som «creative technologist» gjennom det nasjonale Stipendprogram for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid.

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Lone Wolves Stick Together

Rollespill som finner sted i filmskolens to studioer på Lillehammer, fra desember til februar. Det hele har blitt utviklet og bygget av studentene på produksjonsdesign, lyd og foto på bachelorstudiet

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Strong comittment to Artistic Research at the Norwegian Film School

The Norwegian Film School presents the breadth of projects currently underway, at an even co-sponsored by NFI:LAB

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Illustrasjon 3 Nye Kunstneriske Prosjekt

CEFIMA initiates 3 new artistic research projects

The NFS and CEFIMA portfolio grows by 3 new projects, showcasing the schools commitment to exploring varieties of creative practice in screen-based arts.

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The Launch of a New Centre

The Norwegian Film School launched its new Centre for Excellence in Education, CEFIMA.

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