Spillefilmen Når jeg faller fra vårt første masterkull mottok denne uken nominasjoner til hele fire Amanda priser. Magnus Meyer Arnesen ble nominert til årets beste regissør og David Stephen Grant nominert til beste originalmusikk. I tillegg mottok Preben Hodneland nominasjon for beste mannlige hovedrolle, og Alexandra Gjerpen for beste kvinnelige birolle.

Når jeg faller har hatt et godt verdensomspennende festivalliv; den åpnet som avslutningsfilm under Den norske filmfestivalen i Haugesund. Hadde internasjonal premiere under i First Feature Competition programmet på Black Nights Film Festival i Tallinn hvor den vant Special Jury Prize #1 I pressemeldingen her sies det:
Special Jury Prize #1: As I Fall / director Magnus Meyer Arensen (Norway) We are happy to give our first nomination to a film that is in true sense a "well made film". It's realistic, it is pure, it is enjoyable to watch. Made from the perspective of a drug addict, the film allows us get under the skin of the main character, to feel his struggles, to understand the reasons of the destructive choices he so often makes. Strong directing and performances makes this a film that well exceeds the expectations of a debut. Right from the first scenes, this magnetising film captures the viewer, and doesn’t let go even long after the closing credits have run out. We cannot wait to see the director's second work!