LIM - Less Is More: Pre-writing workshop June 19-24 2022

There are methods to develop your creativity, generate initial ideas for stories and test them to be sure they are worth to develop in a feature length film. This pre-writing workshop organized by The Norwegian Film School and NFI will help you to strengthen your ideas through theory and very concrete practical exercises

Dates: Sunday June 19th - Friday June 24th 2022

When: The course kicks off with a dinner for tutors and participants on Sunday June 19th at 17:00.

Workshop Monday-Friday, June 20.-24. 09:00-17:00.

Where: The Norwegian Film School in Oslo: Myrens verksted, Sandakerveien 24C, entrance by Akerselva

See map:

Fee: 4000 kroner per participant (includes lunch every day and dinner Sunday 19th). (NFI covers travel and for participants outside the eastern region (østlandsområdet.)

Language: English

Application deadline: Monday May 16th.

Target group: Directors, screenwriters, producers.

About the course

Less is more (LIM) is open for filmmakers with a first, second or third feature project. Filmmakers who have already made their 1st feature film and are working on their 2nd or 3rd feature will be prioritized.

There are methods to develop your creativity, generate initial ideas for stories and test them to be sure they are worth to develop in a feature length film. This pre-writing workshop will help you to strengthen your ideas through theory and very concrete practical exercises

”The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”
Orson Welles

In partnership with the development program LIM I Less is more, NFI and The Norwegian Film School offers a five-day workshop that focuses on the development before entering the writing process.

This workshop aims to get a deeper understanding of how the brain works during its creative phases when ideas emerge and how ideas implement themselves to gain consistency.

The workshop helps the participants to get into research mode, explore and generate new ideas. It inspires you to play with the possibilities that accompany every idea. They teach you how to use constraints to push creativity further. The participants are given tools and methods to release their creative energy, interact playfully with their intellectual material, and generate various story ideas. The participants are supported while testing their story plot to determine if they are worth being developed in a feature-length film.

Two international script consultants from LIM/Le Groupe Ouest will create a safe environment and invite the participants to tackle their ideas and strengthen them through theory and practical exercises.

The workshop is not designed to work mainly on projects the participants are currently occupied with. Pre-writing is really the work on «no idea» or the beginning of it, but not on a very specific advanced project. Nevertheless, the experience and knowledge that the participants will gain will also positively influence the work on their current projects.

LIM’s program and methodology has been developed mainly for fiction projects. Authors from documentaries are welcome if they want to work also on fiction projects.

How to apply

E-mail your CV, motivation letter and max one-page idea outline (optional) of a current project to Rune Tellefsen and Gry Rustad in English.

Deadline: Monday May 16th

This pre-writing workshop will function as the local Norwegian event before the call for LIM 2023, please see below.

Please note that the working language of the workshop will be English.

Selected regional participants (outside of Oslo-area) are eligible for travel support from NFI. More information after selection.

This will be the third time the Prewriting workshop is held in Norway, please see a short statement by one of the earlier participants, Kaveh Tehrani, here.

Open master class May 6th

An open session/ Masterclass by Antoine Le Bos, Artistic Director of LIM - Less is more will be organized on May 6th at 13.00 online to showcase how budget constraints can trigger creativity when you introduce them early enough.

In addition to limitations as a creative trigger, Le Bos will talk about new development methodologies, pre-writing as a major tool. The session is intended for for writers, directors, producers, industry professionals and film students.

About LIM – Less is More

For further information about LIMs programme, its methodology and the LIM Prewriting Workshop, please visit

StoryTANK, the European Think Tank focusing on storytelling
We brought together experienced writers of screenplays and fiction, and allowed them a prospective and pragmatic work process with researchers in adjacent fields, like cognitive or social sciences, physiology, mathematics, neuroscience… It’s about cogitating together, in a non-dogmatic, European and humanist perspective, about the function – both physiological and social – of the story using images and sound, keeping in mind the new ways of a generation transformed by the digital revolution. For videos and podcasts, please see more here.

TBA – call for LIM 2023

NFI is a partner of the LIM I Less is more annual program and will publish the call for their next edition in autumn. For more info on the annual program, please watch this short clip or read more here.

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