LIM Norway

LIM Boosting Ideas Workshop June 16-21 2024 Foto: Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

Less is More is one of Europe’s leading writer and project development programmes. For the sixth year, NFI and the Norwegian Film School invite up to nine Norwegian writers and writer-directors to take part in an intensive screenwriting workshop in Oslo in June. The workshop will help you turn creative limitations into opportunities for innovation in script development.


When: The course kicks off with a dinner for tutors and participants on Sunday June 16th at 16:30. Workshop Monday-Friday, June 17th.- 21st. 09:00-16:30.

Where: The Norwegian Film School in Oslo: Myrens verksted 6F, entrance by Akerselva

Fee: 4 800 kroner per participant (includes lunch every day and dinner on Sunday 19th).

Language: English

Application deadline: Apply here by Friday May 3rd at 23:59.

Target group: Writer-directors and writers. The workshop is open also to novelists and playwrights with a project for a fiction feature film. Filmmakers who are working on their 2nd or 3rd feature will be prioritized.

More info: Join our online info meeting April 25th at 14:30

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

LIM Boosting Ideas workshop

Less is More is one of Europe’s leading writer and project development programmes. The Norwegian Film Institute & the Norwegian Film School is offering the chance for up to 9 Norwegian writers to take part in an intensive screenwriting workshop at the Norwegian Film School in Oslo, from Sunday June 16th to Friday 21st 2024.

"LIM Boosting Ideas Workshop" aims at helping writers turn creative limitations into opportunities for innovation in script development. LIM helps writers to dig deeper into emotion, structure and the power of the script’s story at an early stage, before entering the often long development stage and even before starting the writing process. LIM embraces limitations as a catalyst for exciting film experiences and in doing so, brings out a filmmaker’s unique imprint, enabling their work to stand out. The idea is that the more that can be explored and determined prior to the writing process begins, the more powerful a first draft will be.

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More


The "Boosting Ideas workshop" will be led by LIM-tutors Vassili Silovic and Sun Mee.

Online info meeting April 25th

NFI and The Norwegian Film School will hold an online info meeting about the LIM workshop on April 25th from 14:30 - 15:30. LIM alumni Nina Barbosa Blad and Tess Quatri will share their experience and answer questions about LIM and the Boosting Ideas Workshop from their perspectives. The organizers will also answer questions about the workshop and the application process.

Who is LIM Boosting Ideas workshop aimed at?

The workshop will focus on ideas for a fiction feature film and is suitable for writers and writer-directors. Novelists and playwrights without screenwriting experience are also welcome to apply, but only with a fiction feature film project.

The workshop is open to talents based in Norway. Filmmakers who have already made their 1st feature film and are working on their 2nd or 3rd feature will be prioritized.

What previous participants say about the workshop

Participants at previous LIM-workshops in Oslo include filmmakers Thea Hvistendal, Aslaug Holm, Yngvild Sve Flikke and Kaveh Tehrani.

-«Participating at LIM was liberating and creative. It gave me new gateways into idea development and screenwriting which were very fruitful in the writing process. It was simply a brilliant workshop, recommended!" (Aslaug Holm, LIM 2022)

-"The workshop was fun, inspiring and challenging. I received many new tools and several new acquaintances with whom I have kept in touch ever since. Delightful and inspiring refill!" (Thea Hvistendal, LIM 2018)

-"The course gave me many fun and creative ways to get out of writer's block and creative dry spells" (Yngvild Sve Flikke, LIM 2019)

-"The idea-boosting workshop is a haven for anyone who is stuck and scared in the big process of writing a feature. It makes it fun, and foremost playful again - which absolutely triggers your creativity intensely. It is great for its purpose, it really does boost your ideas and creative thinking in the best ways!" (Tess Quatri, LIM 2023 and LIM international program 2024)

Here you can see a short video statement by Kaveh Tehrani.

When will the workshop take place and what does it imply?

The workshop kicks off on Sunday June 16th at 4.30pm with a first introduction and dinner, and continues Monday 17th through Friday 21st from 9am to 4.30pm. All participants will also be expected to attend a one-hour introduction session online on Friday June 14th 13:00 – 14:00.

Be aware that the weeklong workshop is an intense and collaborative experience. The participants are required to attend all workshop hours the whole week and are also expected to work individually on their projects after the common part of the workshop ends at 4:30pm each day.

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

What is the workshop fee?

The workshop fee is 4800 NOK. The fee includes dinner on Sunday and lunch and refreshments throughout the day Monday through Friday.

Participants outside of the Oslo region may be eligble to apply for travel support from their regional film center. Please contact your regional film center directly for information on how to apply for travel support.

How to Apply

To apply we require the following information:

  • One-page description of a project at an early stage or an idea (sending the summary of a script already written is not advised).
  • A 3-5 minutes motivation video explaining why you want to attend and your expectations.
  • Short resume (Max 1 page) and links to previous works.

Please fill out this form to apply.

The deadline to apply is Friday May 3rd 2024 at midnight.

The selection will be done and announced by May 31st.

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

About LIM

LIM | Less is More is the European feature film development programme for committed filmmakers in a changing world.

Supported by Creative Europe - Media, LIM is led by Le Groupe Ouest (France) and co-elaborated with a wide range of European partners, such as NFI. LIM aims to help filmmakers, writers, producers and development professionals fully integrate limitation as a creative tool and a trigger for a more in-depth creative process at early stage.

LIM | Less is More has been set up to empower a generation of filmmakers in opening new avenues by tackling new issues.

LIM is a program of Le Groupe Ouest, which for 16 years has been exploring new methods for creating stories, coaching writers, helping them find their “touch” and produce a meaningful story in a context of European cooperation and innovation.

NFI is also a partner of the LIM main training programme. Every year we collaborate to maximize the chances of having a writer/director and a Development Angel (creative producers, story-editors, development executives, commissioning editors) attending the main year-long training programme.

Each year, around 200 writers from all around the globe are coached by Le Groupe Ouest, through its different programmes, to boost their writing process. Among them: Massoud Bakhshi - Yalda, a night for forgiveness (Grand Jury Prize, Sundance), Maïmouna Doucouré - Cuties (Directing Award, Sundance), Ralitza Petrova (LIM tutor) – Godless (Golden Leopard, Locarno), Houda Benyamina – Divines (Golden Camera, Cannes), ), Nathalie Biancheri (LIM) – Wolf (Toronto Film Festival), Alina Grigore (LIM) – Blue Moon (Concha de Oro, San Sebastian), Christian Volckman (LIM) - The Room (Number 1 on Shudder during the first confinement and who is actually part of LIM projects this year), Lukas Dhont - Close (Grand Prix, Cannes), CJ Obasi (LIM) – Mami

You can learn more about the LIMs workshops´ innovate tools for writing better scripts in this video recording of Le Group Ouest´s Aurelie Valat´s presentation at NFI´s NEO seminar (starts at minute 48):

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

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Brigitte Bouillot / LIM | Less is More

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