Jack has passed away!
For me, Jack has always been a wonderful person, humble, positive and friendly. Never a bad word from him.
I cannot remember the first time I met Jack, but it must have been sometime in the 80s. We worked together on a feature film in the early 90s. We lived in the same area on St. Hanshaugen and our kids went to Ila school.
Jack was part of a group that ran a studio on Alexander Kielland's square. They called it Hall-6. It was probably there I first met him. Hall-6 was a meeting place for photographers and filmmakers for a long time in the 90s. There you could rent a studio for a small price and get help from others, among them Jack.
Like magic, Jack could create amazing things for little money. The film we worked on together had a very small budget. Still, Jack managed to make things look good. I have no idea how he did it.
Of the films and directors he worked with were, among others; Eggs by Bent Hamer, Neighbors by Pål Sletaune, Upperdog by Sara Johnsen. The last film he worked on was the Swedish-French film Lucky One.
The most important time we got together was the time that he had at the Norwegian Film School. There we worked together with several workshops and courses.
On our time off from school we made a small short film together in Skåbu and we planned a to make a film about Patrick Huse who was a very good friend of Jack.
Jack decided to leave the hustle and bustle of Oslo and move to his small farm in Gausdal. There he wanted to live in peace and quiet and develop his own projects. He had deserved many years there, but unfortunately that did not happen.
Kjell Vassdal
Professor at the Norwegian Film School