Elin Festøy foto Hanne Lovise Skartveit

Public PhD defense for Elin Festøy

Friday November 10th, Elin Festøy publicly defends her PhD in Artistic Research at The Norwegian Film School as the first candidate graduating from our new PhD programme. The public defense will take place in Lillehammer and will also be streamed via zoom.

What: Elin Festøy's public defense of her PhD in the programme "PhD in Artistic Research in film and related audiovisual art forms" at The Norwegian Film School.

Title of the artistic doctoral result: "NUMB - Exploring Emotionally Charged Interactions to Motivate Reflection on Non-fiction Topics"

When: Friday November 10th 2023 11:00 – 16:00

Where: Auditorium G at Campus Lillehammer at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. The defense will also be streamed via Zoom

Zoom-link: https://inn.zoom.us/j/61238110382?pwd=TjFzZ0RGbEJ0WmhJQmxZak56UEVFZz09

(Password: 083660 Webinar-ID: 612 3811 0382)

Artistic doctoral result published in Research Catalogue

The title of the artistic PhD result that Elin Festøy will defend on November 10th is "NUMB - Exploring Emotionally Charged Interactions to Motivate Reflection on Non-fiction Topics" and has been published as an exhibition in the Research Catalogue. Elin Festøy recommends those who want to follow the defense to explore the exposition in Research Catalogue beforehand.

Screenshot 2023 11 03 at 4 14 09 PM

Sceenshot fra utstillingen "Numb" på Research Catalogue

The point of departure for Elin Festøy's artistic research is the question "How is it that an adult can look at a child and see an enemy?" Her exploration of this question and how it can be expressed in a VR experience that invites and motivates increased personal reflection is to be found within the rooms of the exposition "NUMB".

-I have published the results of my artistic research at Research Catalogue since it is a platform that ensures that it will be archived and available in the future and also allows for a limited degree of interactivity, Festøy explains.

About the public defense

The public defense takes place Friday November 10th and starts at 11am sharp in Auditoriuym G at Storhove campus in Lillehammer. It will also be possible to follow the defense on zoom.

The assessment committee consists of:

  • First opponent Dr. Sher Doruff (Stockholm University of the Arts)
  • Second opponent Dr. Scott Rettberg (Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies, The University of Bergen)
  • Third opponent/administrator Nina Grünfeld (Professor, Vice Dean of Research at the Norwegian Film School and Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • The presiding officer is Eli Bø (Dean at The Norwegian Film School, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)

The candidate's main supervisor has been Professor Trond Lossius, and the co-supervisor(s) Professor Steven Bachelder (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences).

The candidate has previously also been supervised by Professor Emerita Maureen Thomas (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences) and Professor og Gabo Arora (Johns Hopkins University).

About Elin Festøy

Elin Festøy has a background as a journalist and documentary film producer. She was one of the first online journalists in Norway and has followed the technological media development and how it affects culture since the 90s. She is the creative director, producer and screenwriter of the game My Child Lebensborn, which she developed before she started her PhD. The game is produced by Sarepta Studios and Teknopilot and in 2019 it was awarded the prestigous Games Beyond Entertainment prize at the gaming world's Oscar, the BAFTA Game Awards. In 2018, she started as a research fellow at CEFIMA, the film school's Center for excellence in education, and in 2023 she transferred to the Norwegian Film School's new PhD program "PhD in artistic research in film and related audio-visual art forms".

Screenshot 2023 11 03 at 4 14 09 PM

Sceenshot fra utstillingen "Numb" på Research Catalogue

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