PH Dkurs19

New Ph.D. course: Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual Art Forms.

HINN is organizing a 5-credit course in artistic research in film and related audiovisual art forms. The registration deadline is December 1st, and the first session is scheduled for January 2024. Upon application, the course is also open to doctoral candidates in artistic research programs at other institutions with a doctoral project related to film and related audiovisual art forms.

What: The 5-credit course is part of the Ph.D. program "Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual Art Forms" at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Course Name: "Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual Art Forms" (course code KUF9002).

Course Coordinator: Professor and Vice Dean Nina Grünfeld.

For Whom: The course is mandatory for the program's doctoral candidates but is also offered to external doctoral candidates in other closely related artistic Ph.D. programs based on application and program capacity.

Where: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Storhove campus in Lillehammer.

When: The course consists of two workshops, each spanning two days, and takes place every other year at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Storhove campus in Lillehammer.

Workshop 1, 2024: January 15th and 16th, featuring the Swedish film artist Mia Engberg.

Workshop 2, 2024: May 23rd and 24th. The final content will be determined in consultation with the group of doctoral candidates.

Registration Deadline: December 1st, 2023, at 4:00 PM (registration here: )

About the course

The objective of the course "Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual Art Forms" is to introduce students to artistic research specifically related to work within film and related audiovisual art forms, focusing on theories, methods, and practices characteristic of artistic research in this specific field.

The course is structured around two sessions comprising academic presentations, workshops, seminar discussions, and similar activities.

The first session introduces reflections on artistic research, leading to a plenary discussion and a group assignment to be presented the following day. This session is led by an invited expert with significant experience in artistic research, alongside the leader and coordinator of the Ph.D. program FILMART.

The second session delves deeper into a theme based on input from the group of doctoral candidates. The first day the candidates introduce relevant perspectives for discussion and reflection, followed by comments from an invited expert. The next day is organized as a broadly structured roundtable discussion that brings together perspectives and issues raised in both sessions.

It is expected that the doctoral candidates do some preparatory work ahead of the two sessions and prepare reflections afterwards. The reflection work will be followed up in individual guidance sessions for each candidates.

Recommended course literature:

  • Alphaville Journal, Issue #17: [Link to the journal]
  • Norwegian Media Journal no. 4, 2022 'Research on Own Creative Practice': [Link to the journal]

Additionally, literature and artistic works recommended by invited experts will be provided.

Learning outcomes


The candidate will:

  • Master the theory of Artistic Research and artistic research questions and methods specifically related to film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness and application of various methods and processes within film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in approaches within Artistic Research concerning knowledge, theories, methods, reflection, and documentation forms within film and related audiovisual art forms.


The candidate will:

  • Be able to formulate research questions for Artistic Research, focusing on artistic processes and outcomes within film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Be capable of handling complex academic questions related to their own field within film and related audiovisual art forms.

General competence

The candidate will:

  • Identify and critically examine ethical principles particularly relevant to artistic research within film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Handle complex interdisciplinary issues within film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Communicate artistic research through recognized national and international channels related to film and related audiovisual art forms.
  • Engage in debates within the field in international forums related to film and related audiovisual art forms.

Practical Information and Registration

The course is available for external participants enrolled in other closely related artistic Ph.D. programs, based on received applications and program capacity.

The application deadline is December 1, 2023, at 4:00 PM. Submit your application here:

External participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses. Attendance at both workshops is mandatory and a requirement to receive 5 credits.

The course is primarily conducted in Norwegian but may be held in English depending on participants' needs.

Contact For inquiries, please contact Nina Grünfeld, Vice Dean for Research and Artistic Development at the Norwegian Film School and Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technology:

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