Off-Piste Virtual Reality Inspiration Day

Off-Piste Virtual Reality Inspiration Day is a free-to-attend webinar devoted to creativity and storytelling in VR

Online event
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2 PM UTC+02 – 4 PM UTC+02

OP 2021

Technology is transforming storytelling like never before - immersive experiences are booming in popularity and have allowed the world to connect to arts throughout the ongoing pandemic. As creativity precedes innovation, it’s the artists and creatives who are leading the conversation in designing tomorrow’s world.

Join the expert mentors from the upcoming Off-Piste Lab 2021 for an afternoon of knowledge sharing, creativity and inspiration as they present the current state of play of the VR storytelling landscape.

This event is also an opportunity to learn more about Off-Piste VR Storytelling Lab 2021 which will be taking place in a hybrid form for the first time this year, and hear from some of the previous participants about their experiences on the lab.

Off-Piste is an initiative created by CEFIMA and The Norwegian Film School.


Arnaud Colinart

Beginning his career in digital content in the French award-winning production house Agat Films / Ex Nihilo, Arnaud Colinart’s work merges new technologies with storytelling.

Colinart has over 10 years experience across multiple media industries, spanning documentary, animated series, feature film, video games, and virtual reality experiences.

After he produced and co-directed his first VR Experience, 'Notes on Blindness' (Sundance New Frontier 2016, Tribeca Storyscapes Award 2016, SXSW Innovation Award Finalist 2017), Colinart decided to start ATLAS V, a new company dedicated to new forms of storytelling.

Gayatri Parameswaran

Gayatri Parameswaran is an award winning immersive journalist and creator from India. She is currently based in Berlin, where she co-founded NowHere Media -- a storytelling studio that views contemporary issues through a critical lens.

Her work has been exhibited at the Venice International Film Festival, SXSW, United Nations, HotDocs, and have won the Best Use of Immersive Arts at SXSW 2019. She’s a Sundance New Frontier’s alumni and likes to explore taboo topics such as war, peace, intimate partner violence and abortion using virtual and augmented reality. Gayatri is most excited about using immersive technologies as a medium to create realities for a desirable future.

Mark Atkin

Mark is a curator and director of Crossover Labs, where he has been responsible for leading cross disciplinary training since 2008. He has spearheaded the development of processes which bring together creative professionals from diverse disciplines including film and TV production, animation, games, theatre, VR, AR and interactive design to form new interdisciplinary collaborations and generate ideas for projects.

Mark curates exhibitions of interactive and VR for a number of festivals including CPH:DOX, Silbersalz Festival and Bergen International Film Festival. In addition he has recently launched 'Electric Dreams', a series of events focused on immersive storyetlling that have taken place in London, Adelaide and in cyberspace.

Signe Ungermand

Signe Ungermand is a Danish XR producer who has spent the past 5 years roaming the field of immersive media. With a background in film production, she co-founded MANND, a XR studio production house based in Aarhus, Denmark. Their focus is directed towards the exploration and creation of cinematic VR and AR experiences that have an impact towards the further development of the medium.

Several of MANNDs experiences ('Separate Silences', 'X-Ray Fashion') have gained national and international recognition, having premiered at Cannes- and Venice Film Festival over the past years.

Key features that interest Signe within her own body of work are hybrid, bodily and sensorial experiences that compliment rich storytelling and social aspects.

Online event

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2 PM UTC+02 – 4 PM UTC+02

OP 2021

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