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Presentation of the artistic outcome of Cecilie Levys PhD research Foto: Cecilie Levy / Stargate Media

In her PhD research, screenwriter Cecilie Levy explores the language of spatial storytelling in VR. On June 20th to 22nd she will present her work - a vertical slice from the VR experience Finding Frida - at the Norwegian Film School in Oslo


Detail from vertical slice / Stargate

About Cecilie Levy's artistic research project

"Light from aside: A screenwriter’s perspective in virtual reality" investigates the language of spatial storytelling in virtual reality through artistic research.

Drawing on screenwriting practice and theory, as well as creative documentary approaches such as room-scale virtual reality design, the conceptualization and partial production of the experience "Finding Frida" is central to this investigation.

In its final form, this single-user, room-scale virtual reality experience will be approximately 25 minutes long. It is intended for general audiences, including those who are unfamiliar with virtual reality.

Beyond the reconstruction of a personal narrative – that of forgotten artist Frida Hansen’s life and art – the experience seeks to combine linear storytelling devices with spatial ‘dreamscapes’, giving the spectator access to the protagonist’s private memory world, through representational spaces.

Public presentation of "vertical slice" from "Finding Frida"

In partial completion of a PhD in artistic research a ‘vertical slice’ has been produced: a proof of concept in the form of an approximately finalized 7 minutes excerpt that will be part of the ultimate experience. The short transitional ‘act’ is structured around a virtual encounter with Norwegian textile artist Frida Hansen (1855–1931) accompanied by ‘representational spaces’ reflecting her life and art.

Accompanied by an essay, wherein the conceptual and creative groundworks for the work-in-progress storytelling in "Finding Frida" is presented, the vertical slice forms the doctoral outcome of Cecilie Levy’s artistic research.


Detail from vertical slice / Stargate

About Finding Frida / credits

The "vertical slice" is a work in progress, an excerpt from Finding Frida, a VR project in development.

Creator: Cecilie Levy

Director: Hilde Kjøs

Cecilie 17

Photo: Jasmijn de Lange

About Cecilie Levy


Detail from vertical slice / Stargate


Detail from vertical slice / Stargate

Cecilie 17

Photo: Jasmijn de Lange

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