
Hiring 3D artist and game programmer for artistic research project

The Norwegian film school is looking for a work-for-hire team, including a game programmer and a 3D artist, to create an Oculus Quest 2-friendly VR Chat world in Unity. The project is a roleplaying game inspired by the film Stalker by Tarkovsky and is led by artist and Research fellow Nadja Lipsyc.

Following an Artistic Research grant in experimental Virtual Reality, The Norwegian film school is looking for a work-for-hire team including a game programmer and a 3D artist to create an Oculus Quest 2-friendly VR Chat world in Unity. Alternatively, an experienced VRChat world builder can potentially fill either role.

The project is a roleplaying game inspired by the film Stalker by Tarkovsky and is centred around the journey of 6 characters in a mysterious zone. We are looking for people to set up a stylised environment in VRChat, some live triggers (sounds and ideally spatial transitions) and simple interactions.

The final delivery is due in late 2022 and the contract is flexible.

See previous iterations of the research project here:

Contact: Nadja Lipsyc

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