Online meeting: Info about LIM prewriting workshop.

Are you curious about LIM´s idea development workshop? Join the online event on May 5th to learn more about the upcoming workshop in Oslo June 16th-21st hosted by NFI and The Norwegian Film School.

When: Thursday April 25th at 14:30 - 15:30

Where: Online (zoom): Zoom link will be published here.

Language: Norwegian or English (the LIM workshop in June is in English and the info meeting will be in English upon request).

Target group: Writers, directors, producers, industry professionals or film students.

Organizers: The Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) and The Norwegian Film School (DNF)

The Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) and the Norwegian Film School (DNF) are offering up to nine Norwegian writers and writer-directors the opportunity to take part in an intensive screenwriting workshop at the Norwegian Film School in Oslo from June 16th to June 21st, 2024. The LIM Boosting Ideas Workshop aims to help writers turn creative limitations into opportunities for innovation in script development.

On April 25th, we invite you to the an online info meeting about the workshop. LIM alumni and Film Commissioner Feature Films & Drama Series at NFI, Nina Barbosa (LIM development angel), and another LIM workshop participant will share their experience and answer questions about LIM and the Boosting Ideas Workshop from their perspectives. The organizers from NFI and DNF will also be present to answer questions about the application process and the workshop.

This session is free and aimed at writers, directors, producers, industry professionals and film students curious about the upcoming workshop in June with application deadline May 3rd.

For a more in depth introduction to LIM´s innovative tools and approach for writing better scripts, we recommend watching this video recording of Le Group Ouest´s Aurelie Valat´s presentation at a NEO seminar (starts at minute 48):

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Nina Barbosa Blad

Nina Barbosa Blad is Film Commissioner Feature Films & Drama Series at NFI and participated in the international LIM workshop in 2023 as development angel.

Filmmaker Tess Quatri participated in the LIM workshop in Oslo in 2023:

- The idea-boosting workshop is a haven for anyone who is stuck and scared in the big process of writing a feature. It makes it fun, and foremost playful again - which absolutely triggers your creativity intensely. It is great for its purpose, it really does boost your ideas and creative thinking in the best ways!, says Tess Quatri about the workshop.

Regi Therese Eriksen Richert

Tess Quatri

Tess is currently writing the feature "Like there is no tomorrow" which received The Swedish Film Institute’s “Wild Card” talent development grant. This year she is one of the participants in the international LIM program.

The organizers from NFI and DNF will also be present to answer questions about the application process and the workshop.

The session is free and aimed at writers, directors, producers, industry professionals and film students curious about the upcoming workshop in June with application deadline May 3rd.

For a more in depth introduction to LIM´s innovative tools and approach for writing better scripts, we recommend watching this video recording of Le Group Ouest´s Aurelie Valat´s presentation at a NEO seminar (starts at minute 48):

Screenshot 2024 04 16 at 10 48 30 PM

Nina Barbosa Blad

Regi Therese Eriksen Richert

Tess Quatri

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