Virtual Production is a film-making concept that relies heavily on games technology and allows filmmakers to combine live-action footage and computer generated images ( CGI ) in real-time. How does that combination affect teams and workflows? Are we making films, games or something in between and what do we need to do in order to harness the powers of this new beast?

The VIPROS project is a collaboration between leading film, CGI and games educations, established to explore the virtual production concept. The objective is to shed light on the opportunities and challenges it offers and we examine the evolving skillsets of the people involved.


Prosjektet er finansiert gjennom Erasmus+ KA2 programmet.


Prosjektet har fire hovedsamarbeidspartnere:


  • Prosjektleder: Troels Linde (professor og ansvarlig for eksternt finansierte prosjekter ved Den norske filmskolen)
  • Kjell Vassdal (Hovedlærer i foto og prosjektleder for CEFIMA)
  • Sindre Sæbø (AV-ingeniør)


01.08.2020 - 30.06.2023